Reef flat at Coconut Beach, Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia
From individuals to ecosystems in a sea of change
The deVries Lab studies what and how marine invertebrates eat in order to understand how diet and morphology can help shape trophic dynamics and the ecology of an ecosystem. We further explore how environmental change may alter these relationships. We approach these classic questions in functional morphology and ecology by integrating tools from animal behavior, biomechanics, stable isotope ecology, robotics, and engineering.
Our Lab
The deVries Lab performs collaborative research in marine ecology and functional morphology. I am currently accepting Master’s and undergraduate students to join the lab. Please see the Prospective Students page if you are interested in learning more about possible opportunities in the lab!
Maya S. deVries, Assistant Professor Department of Biological Sciences
San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192
Tel: (408) 924-4893